Friday, December 26, 2008

Finally he speaks

For many years now I have been looking for a Lucian Freud interview and finally came across one quiet recently.   I do appreciate the fact that he does keep to himself but I am grateful that he has given an interview explaining his approach to some degree.   The rest of the videos are in sequential order and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


It has been a while since I have written in this thing…lets see, I have been taking photos like I wrote in the last entry but I have been thinking about why and what to do in that regard.  More to the point in the sense for the reason for taking these photos, of course I could paint people without any thought to why but I felt the need to explore this tendency.  The photos I took seemed more cinematic but there is no desire for me to pick up a camcorder to make small films.  I still have a passion for painting and drawing so the question remained what did I see other than images, people, events, or moments? 

A conversation was a simple answer the came to my mind and will start to make a series of paintings based on the loose concept of conversations.   I can only speculate now that my conversations will be with everyone and everything that I interact with and they will be in a sequential order perhaps in shots of three or more.  I have already begun with one set that is currently on display on my site, just click on conversations.  Well let’s see how curious this becomes.


I have added a number of pieces. These are all images I have had a reaction to, some not so much a conscious reaction however others are more conscious. An example is the main picture in the reaction link on the site. I’m very comfortable and excited with the direction of the work but I am going to go back to painting on canvas very soon and I’m looking to find a concept that will carry that work on canvas into a series.

At this point I will take photography more serious and fluid as a source of reference for the work; perhaps, with a number of observational sketches from life. MMMM…it looks like something I need to work through. In the meantime, I thought it would help me to put the work up for contemplation.

Well, I have known about deviant art for two years now and for the longest time felt it was just a silly site. It wasn’t until recently that I decided to begin to use it.  I was more skeptical at first about the results but it turns out there is a lot of good art on that site. Even the bad stuff is good. I kind of feel I’m in art school again looking at other peoples efforts.  Here is a link to my site there:

I’m going to post much of my sketch work there, for now it seem to get more traffic an input.

This interview kicked ass.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

something interesting

Holy shit balls! I was on the other day and saw a link it had to Vernissage TV.  It is a site that provides gallery tours to opening night shows and has a number of videos on Art Basel.  It was a good source for providing motivation to visit the Marguilies Collection this year.   I just went today, very refreshing to see so many sculptures in one space, especially since I was familiar with the work.  Most of the work is on display at the Florida International University campus.  What was really good was the student show that they had on display on the second level.  Most of it was obviously student work but there was a section that had very inspirational and refreshing work.  I was very pleased with it.  A nice break from most of the Superflat work I’v been bombarding myself with lately.    

Here is the link:


This is my first entry to keep track and share my thoughts on process and approach.  Quite recently I uploaded a number of drawings from my sketch book to get a feel in what direction I would like to head into.  Let’s see what happens.