Monday, November 30, 2009

Norman Rockwell finally gets some respect

Yes I know he is sentimental and yes he used photographs but so what, there are many other great artist with their own crutches. Not so long ago it was discovered that Vermeer used a camera and as for Norman Rockwell’s content, well it was a part of American History. His work is a time capsule perhaps not 100% accurate but it did capture what America wanted to be. It is clear that I am a fan of his work and have been very much annoyed that he has not been taken as seriously as he should be. I would not place Rockwell at the top of the great artist of all time but he does have a respectable place in art history. Right now there is a show over at the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale and it's pretty good for South Florida and highly recommend it if you are a fan. Not to mention the "with you I want to live: Gordon Locksley & George T. Shea Collection", there is a Banskey piece that is pretty cool.

In any case here is a link to a story on NPR reporting on his current place in the art world and I am happy to say its in a better place now than ever before.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Incoherent Ramblings

For some time I have been painting from photos of my family, friends, and places. In the past I would react to the images, basically throwing my two cents right away. Now I feel compelled to simply paint them as best I can without any obvious opinion of the images I decided to use. I suppose the only reaction would be my paint application and the choice of the picture itself. It has been a strange exercise/ compulsion to say the least. Just to simply observe these images longer than a minute has been a strange experience. I have never found my family or friends interesting enough to paint and I find the act seems more like a school assignment or something so fundamental that I never took it so serious. To write it now even sound rather trite, “Family Portraits”. But here I am painting and blogging about it, so why do it.

Over the past months of painting these people I have been noticing more things than I have before. I have yet to decide whether it’s because of my paintings or just simply due to age and wisdom; perhaps both. It is an odd thing, I feel at ease spending more time with them. I feel a genuine interest in getting to know them better but with some habitual caution, old habits, still justified to an extent. It has been and I am sure I am not alone, that one should keep a distance to an extent from people. I have yet to find anyone who is 100 % open with another person. However I do look forward to the day if it would exist.

At this point I have painted enough of these to begin to react to them to an extent. It will be a gradual process. Now I have been at this point before, I remember mentioning the city paintings and have yet to really dive into it. But this goal seems to be a more viable one. I believe it will happen subtly. Maybe in one or two paintings out of seven or ten. I want to use my reactions sparingly, it has to feel genuine, justifiable.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Gene Simmons and Terry Gross in Love

I remember hearing a rebroadcast of this interview on Fresh Air/ NPR about two years ago. Currently, for some reason, it's not available for streaming on NPR. But getting right to it this is by far one of the best interviews I have heard on radio for obvious and subtle reasons. To simplify the reasons for this choice is the dynamic of a serious interviewer and a seriously obnoxious guest, which Mr. Simmons provides in such an amazing way. It’s like hearing a horrible car crash but much better.

In full disclosure I am a big fan of Terry Gross and Fresh Air, not so much Kiss. This was the first time I have really heard Gene Simmons interviewed and although I still feel the same way about Kiss I have discovered a new found respect for him that was absolutely surprising to me. He really does seem to worship himself in a way that demands a concentrated opinion and mine leans on the positive. Well without any further introduction and if this still holds your interest here is a link to interview on YouTube:
Gene Simmons interview on Fresh Air

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy D.B. Cooper Day!!!

If you dont know who he is here's a hint: D.B. Cooper

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chloe Early

I felt compelled to mention this particular artist not simply due to the fact that she is talented or cleaver but knowing full well that I have attempted this same technique before. She is much better than I am, at least for now. I admire her approach and present it to anyone who cares to see it because that is what I do in my blog. I have read her explanation of the work and find it mildly interesting but it does remind me why I stopped approaching my work in this way. Bringing so much imagery and paint application has been too much for me, again at least for now.

Which brings me to Early’s work which I cannot say too much about except that I do enjoy the airy sensibility and look forward to her continuing on this path. It does inspire me to do the same.

Here is a Link: Chloe Early

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weezer Snuggie

Yeeeaaaah... the Weezer Snuggie. I just thought it would be something notable.

Here is a link to the infomercial:
Weezer Snuggie

Friday, November 6, 2009

Natalia Fabia

I have been sitting on any kind of comments about this artist for quite sometime. It's not that she is not good, which she is, but I had to find a way to really look at her work in a critical way.

First I feel compelled to talk about her technical achievements which are substantial. In her site she has her older work (something that most artists including myself do not do.). Work from years ago and they were technically simple and even folksy but with a valley punk girl sensibility. I appreciate her early work in its balls to the wall attitude. Over the years her punk girl concept has evolved both technically and conceptually which brings me to her Hooker Dreamscapes series.

Gone is the crude teenage punk attitude in this series only to be replaced with soft surreal sensitivity. Do not get me wrong, I love the punk in her and it is by no means gone at all. In fact it is celebrated with such a soft touch I found myself weeping in its longing as trite as it sounds. Pieces like Sugar Rush, Patty Cake, and Pizza Party illustrate my point. Only because of habit I am trying to see a negative perspective in her work both technically and conceptually but I find myself more willing to celebrate her achievements and waiting to see what she will do next.
Link to her work. Natalia Fabia

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Crumb finally finishes Genesis

I remember a while ago, when watching the Crumb movie, that here is one of the most perverted little men in pop history. It is a absolutely wonderful and I highly recommend the film. It was near the end of the documentary/ bio pic when he was talking about the last project which would be called Genesis. He was in the process of Illustrating the Bible. At the time, I thought he was out of his mind and of course this left a good impression for me.
Well it has finally arrived and its official, Crumb is out of his mind. Not in a playful way, or creative way, or clever way, but in a genius way. He has illustrated the entire book of Genesis straight thought without any opinions or loose comedy.

If anyone would like to read the Bible now would be the best time to do it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gaetan Henrioux

I found Henrioux work to be inspiring along with his candy acid palette.

Here is a link to more of his work if your interested to check it out:
Gaetan Henrioux

Monday, November 2, 2009


I thought this would be a nice way to display my work.