Thursday, March 10, 2011

This painting rocks.

I know its an oldie but it reminded me of John Singer Sargent's El Jaleo and its just done so well. In any case it can be seen at the Huntington for their Taxing Visions exhibit.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tiger Blood

Alex Pardee has does it again. Here is the latest super awesome master piece dedicated to the best new drug on the market right now Charlie Sheen.

Rothko Chapel

I was not aware that a chapel from Rothko was ever created then I tune into NPR and find that it has been sitting in Houston of all places for the last 40 years. The reason I find the notion of a Rothko Chapel so interesting has more to do with the fact that is not really a museum. I suppose there is the Dali Museum in Florida, Van Gough Museum in France, and the Picasso Museum in Spain but the Rothko museum is simply a chapel. The concept of a museum was intentionally discarded to focus on the intent of the work itself by the artist. It seems to be an idea that should be adopted by other great artist in the future. Not to make a museum but rather a vehicle to carry the message of your work, a structural installation.

I may visit Texas but now this has caught my attention.